Revealing and Articulating Significance

We dive deep and explore wide to discover your heartbeat; to creatively articulate your unique message in a way that sparks connection and inspires conversation, turning first impressions into long-term relationships. That’s what we are about. We are passionate about ideas and creativity. And will tailor those ideas to be perfect for you.

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Video & Film

Videos and film are simply words that come alive. We are storytellers. We tell stories that will touch your heart. And we will similarly tell yours. Because it matters. Your story matters. Browse through our work and feel for yourself.

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The most exhausting thing you can be is inauthentic. You are a brand, whether you know it or not. Everything you do communicates. Whether you like it or not. We will guide you in discovering your true authentic brand. And help you display it in such a way that you simply love who you are.

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Should you simply step forward or rather leap ahead? We co-design the game plan. ‘Co-design’ because you’re a vital cog in the wheel. Indispensable, in fact. And we’re in for the long-haul if that’s what you require. Essentially, running by your side, visioneering, your brand identity, marketing roll-out, employee culture cultivation, and more.

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Our broadcast-quality video, photo, and music recording studio will make you wish you lived just a ten-minute drive away. Oh, so you live in Pretoria? You should pop in. Fully kitted with infinity green or black – or any colour for that matter – you can rent the whole shebang, lights, cameras, sound, you name it, or just the shell. At a fee that will surprise you!

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Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals. - David Ogilvy, the father of advertising. Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. - Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, Inc. A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer and poet. The alternative to good design is always bad design. There is no such thing as no design. - Adam Judge, author. Design adds value faster than it adds costs. - Joel Spolsky, and creator of Trello. We aim for the company of immortals, make it work, strip the clutter, design well, add value. - The Oaks

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A picture is worth a thousand words. Fred R Barnard, credited in 1921 as the first to cite this English adage, actually stated ‘one look is worth a thousand words’, and later, labelled a Chinese Proverb so that people would take it seriously, ‘a picture is worth ten thousand words.’ Well, ten thousand picture is ... animation. Priceless. We animate 3D and 2D, at a price you can afford.

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Motion design – the animation of words! Say no more.

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Production Equipment Rental

Whether you are a seasoned filmmaker or a production newbie. We have the tools of the trade that will bring your vision to life. Our rental service will supply in all your production requirements with an extensive inventory of equipment. Camera, lights, sound..ACTION!

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Revealing & Articulating Significance Slider
Revealing & Articulating Significance Slider
Video & Film Slider
Video & Film Slider
Brand development Slider
Brand development Slider
Consultation Strategy Slider
Consultation Strategy Slider
Studio Slider
Studio Slider
Design Slider
Design Slider
Animation Slider
Animation Slider
Motion Slider
Motion Slider
Rentals Slider
Rentals Slider